6:00AM Finally settle on the fact that he is not going back to sleep
6-6:30 play and cuddle with J. crawl, play catch, laugh, try to feed him breakfast
6:30-6:45 start cutting tomatoes to make Bruschetta for dinner tonight (have to use the tomatoes before I leave.)
6:45 Quickly shower while Ben can watch Jackson before he leaves
7:00 Ben leaves for work-Start making salad dressing for dinner-finish bruschetta, start making a smoothie and keep J happy. He didn't get enough sleep.
7:20 Jackson wakes up Livy by crawling in her room and laughing. She didn't get enough sleep.
7:30 Feed Jackson and Livy oatmeal.
7:45 Read books to Livy and Jackson
8:00 Get Livy dressed and try to put jackson down for a nap...no luck.
8:30 Try to pick up the house a little bit (it was so clean when we woke up and i am trying to keep it somewhat put together for company coming tonight.)
8:45 Finally finish making the smoothie, brush livy's hair, Brooke wakes up, a little bit on the cranky side because Livy and jackson woke her up by being really loud in the hallway.
9:00 nurse jackson and put him down for a nap
9:10 get Brooke some Breakfast that she will eat (I had already made her oatmeal, but she wouldn't eat it, because it was a different kind than I usually buy)
9:15 Kimberly comes over so I can zone her
9:20-11 Zone Kimberly with a few mishaps in between- Eliza and Livy dump half the bottle of elmers glue out on teh table, Livy totally gouched her finger with the scissors (there is a pretty big hole in her right pointer finger, yikes.) lots of crying and laughing from the kids. Thankfully Jackson slept through it and baby rachel was an angel, otherwise it could have been a very HARD hour and a half.
11:05-11:25 the usual scrambling to get shoes on, mouths fed, lunch packed and out the door so Brooke isn't late. Brooke had to change her shirt three times (she is really picky when it comes to how her clothes "feel") we had to tie and untie her shoe three times to fix her "sock"....that is the norm, and I really try to pad in extra time every morning and it always seems to go like this.
11:25 Wake Jackson up
11:32 Finally walk out the door to get Brooke to school
11:40 drop Brooke off at school.Livy goes down the slide a few times and insists that Jackson goes too, i finally give-in and we have a bit of a mishap with feet and arms getting stuck under kids, and lots of crying for both. Lovely.
11:55 10 minutes late for a Chiropractor appointment with two kids in tow again. Just as i lie down on the table to get adjusted, Livy informs me she needs to go to the bathroom. Get the key-take her potty. Come back and get adjusted while jackson pulls at my hair, livy hangs on the doorknob and opens and closes the door to the room. And Jackson still didn't get enough sleep. He is extra cranky today.
12:25 Go to the grocery store. Hurry through the isles, get everything I need in 25 minutes! That is a record. But still not quick enough for a perfect trip. The last 5 minutes and the whole time at the register Jackson had to be bounced and held and loved, and livy wants more treats. And her finger is hurting.
12:55 Stop at Bank and deposit checks
1:05 get home- only 5 minutes behind my goal time- unload groceries, try to feed Jackson some lunch.
1:30 try to put jackson and Livy down for naps...no luck on either one. So we read a few books and played in the toy room instead. Of course livy wanted to play marbles, so i was trying to play with her and keep jackson from eating them at the same time.
2:00 start getting nervous that I won't be able to finish dinner and clean up from this mornings art projects and get Brooke on time.
2:10 turn on wiggles for Jackson and Livy. Make two lasagnas (one nut, one regular) and try to give the kids some attention in between.
2:42 Leave to pick up Brooke. Livy falls asleep within 1 minute in the car
2:59 Park in the teacher's parking lot (Brooke always reminds me that this is a no-no.) Leave Livy in the van with the windows down.-don't worry I can see the van the entire time. The parking lot is right in front of brooke's room. There is only a fence in between-if you can call it a fence. Grab jackson
3:05 start home to race cleaning up the mess of a kitchen from my scramble to get dinner ready.
Leave livy in the car sleeping with the doors open. Jackson still didn't fall asleep.
3:45 Pack Brooke and jackson back in the car. Drop all the kids off at Donna's.
4:00 go to Volleyball Practice
5:40 Race and pick up the kids at Donna's
5:59 get home just in time for friends to come over for dinner at 6. I am so glad ben got home and put the Lasagna's in
Thankfully everyone was a little late. it bought me a little time
6:40 Enjoy a fun dinner with old friends outside on the patio. Meeting new friends (Nick's wife, Teal.) Telling stories, laughing and just having fun enjoying each other. Nick played the guitar and sang for the kids, and even played hide and seek with them.
9:45 finally get the kids in bed after a fun evening. Write on my blog and get motivated to pack for our trip to New York tomorrow!
It was a jam-packed day. But thankfully I have been implementing my mind organization for mom's, and I actually didn't feel stressed at all. I even felt like I got to enjoy my kids during the journey instead of being frustrated with them. It was a crazy day, but it was a great day!
10:08PM finish my blog post. sigh of relief that I actually recorded something
you are an amazing mom! Enjoy your trip! cant wait to catch up once you get home! xoxo
I am exhausted just reading about it all. Have fun. Swing by So. FL. if you get a chance.
totally agree with Kari. I need a nap!
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