Friday, April 8, 2011

Missing the Fam

I had a business trip to San Diego the past two days and am so excited to get back to Ashley and the kiddos! It's crazy how much you realize your love for family when you are away from them!

I can't wait to see Jackson lift both arms over his head and coming running at me! He is really into wrestling lately and will just randomly come up to me or Ash and try to push us over. It's fun to see him play with Brooke and Liv - I'm so glad our kids get along so well. I hope we can keep that closeness for life!

See you soon guys!!! Time to hop on the plane!


Beck Family said...

With ya there. It stinks being apart, but it definitely makes you appreciate each other more and you tend to let dumb things not bother you so much anymore. I think your family will stay close because you want it to. Miss you guys so much!!! We need someone to have pizza night and dance parties with.

Candice said...

So funny, when I first read your title I thought it said "missing the farm." It made me laugh because somtimes I feel like my house is a farm, but then I realized it says "fam." But I have to say that most days I do feel like I am at a farm. I'm the cow (for milking), Hyrum's the emo, Tommy's the pig, Caroline's the alley cat, and Emily's the duckling!

Jonah and Aja said...

Oh man! Sorry we didn't get to see you when we were in San Fran. We had a hurried trip this time but we will be back soon. It's not too far... in fact, maybe you should come up here?...
