Saturday, September 26, 2009


Tonight at the RS Broadcast I had a lot of good impressions that I want to make sure I act on. But something that really stuck out to me was Elder Eyring's comments on Charity. As I was listening, I kept thinking how charitable my mom is. How much she really does serve others without complaining. She truly is an example of charity. I know that a lot of my blessings from friends and people in the ward are a direct result of my mom's charitable service. She is such a great example. Sometimes I think people are very guarded with their time and are very charitable to their own family, but my mom is so giving to everyone. Thanks mom for all you do for everyone, especially our family. I have a lot to live up to!

I was also thinking that one of the reasons I think that my ward family is so great is because of the tradition of charity and service. Even all of my mom's friends are so service oriented and truly charitable. I want to be more like those women. I want to serve out of love more instead of duty.

1 comment:

Beck Family said...

It was fun to come across your blog today after finding out you had your baby boy today. I can hardly wait to meet him. I love each of your post the last week. So many great insights that are great for me to hear. But now since you are reading this after your baby came I just want to say congratulations and I know you're gonna have SO MUCH FUN with that little (Big) guy. Boys love there moms so much and always will. So enjoy the newborn stage. I am completely jealous!Love ya!!!