Monday, June 14, 2010

Vegetable Garden

Yeah!! Today we got our first red tomato and some green beans!! I am so excited because I was a little worried what was going to happen to our garden when the workers had to transplant all of the tomato plants, bell peppers and all of our herbs to a different part of the yard. But it looks like they are doing well. Too bad most of the lettuce patch got smashed. But at least all of the kale is great, and we are still using about five of the other lettuce plants. I am so glad my girls get excited about the garden. Maybe this year they will eat some more of the vegetables! The gophers ate our zuccini plants, but the birds haven't gotten the strawberries yet. I love summer with all the fresh fruits and vegetables!

1 comment:

Evans Fam said...

Man, you're already harvesting....I guess California is a little ahead of South Dakota in the warm, summer weather eh? We got adventurous enough to try our first vegetable garden this year...I'm so excited! It's so fun to see these little seeds turning into sustenance! Good luck with yours..and any tips?