Sunday, October 18, 2009

Shopping date!

Last night Ben and I had a great date!! We put the girls down early, and thankfully they went to sleep easily. So we called our friend Colton and he came over and watched a movie here to babysit. We went grocery shopping and went to a few stores to look for house things. It was so great to walk around the store talking and not having to keep Livy from jumping out of the cart or throw things at other shoppers or knock down displays. We made it to Cost Plus before it closed and got a great deal on an entry table! I love that store. I forgot how great that store is and how much i love it. It was really fun to just get to talk, and get things at a few stores that is impossible to do with three kids at once. I was so excited about our deals!
I love to shop sales, escpecially grocery stores. I am not one of those crazy couponers that gets things for free, and then gets money back. I wish I was that dedicated, but I always plan around whats on sale and use coupons here and there when i find ones that I actually need.

Anyways, last night was awesome because I saved 62.89 and only spent 49.00. I don't know why I get so excited when I get a great deal. But it really is fun to see how much you save when you shop! My goal is always to try and save as much as I spend. So it was great to save more!! I loved it. And for anyone that is reading this, just to let you know Safeway has Motts applejuice for 88 cents. We never buy juice, but I definitely stocked up!!

It was just so great to hang out with Ben without interruptions. And to get such great deals made it even better.


Ben and Ashley said...

I love our date too, babe! Let's do it more often! :)

Cheri said...

Fun! And, I want an entry table like yours (in black). Jealous!