Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Livy is getting REALLY, REALLY cute. We are starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel with her crying antics and lots of tantrums. They still happen, a lot, but not quite as frequent.
Some of my favorite sayings from her lately are-
"Mom, you ont to play mobbles wit me?" She asks at least 4 times an hour. And I am trying really hard to do it at least twice a day.
"Mom, yook at my iding pace." translation: Mom, look at my hiding place.
"I win."
"Book (and sometimes it is more like: Ook), yook at me. Yook at ME!"
"I want a tippy tup." (Sippy cup) And then she laughed at herself and said, "I talded it a tippy tup." (But she always calls it a tippy tup.)

She looks so, so, so adorable with her hair cut! It even makes her tantrums look even cuter. I'll have to post pictures sometime.

1 comment:

eyre blog said...

yes please post pictures. Why don't you? I have some pictures to send you. my goal is to make a cd for you and send it out before we move.