Jackson is sitting up for about 10 seconds now. He is a bit top heavy, so he wobbles. (Angie said it reminds her of the little
weeble-wobbles they used to have.) He has this little chuckle he does now, where he almost starts to laugh. It is so cute. His skin is so soft. His cheeks are so big and cute. I love how he strokes my hand when he nurses. His hands are so soft and it brings back memories of the girls. Brooke always grabbed my side under my arm when she nursed, and Livy always wrapped her tiny hand around one of my fingers and held tight til she was done eating. I love
those precious memories, and I love when they just come flooding back when you feel a similar touch. J is really into grabbing his feet and looking at his feet. About two weeks ago it was all about his hands. He stared at them as if they were magic. And now he grabs his toes and rocks from side to side. He loves to hold things in his hands and chew on things. He continues to be a
drooler. His biggest fans are still Brooke and Livy. Brooke asks to hold him every ten minutes or so. And especially loves to hug him and kiss him before bed. Livy is following suit.
Livy is
sooo cute. She loves to sing. And picks up full songs just from
brooke singing them a few times when she gets home from
pre-school. She also asks ten times a day to go on an airplane to see Cami. "Please Mom." is what I hear a lot from her. And the last few days she has added that she wants to go to
disneyland with Grandma and
Boppy. "Not you, mom." She
LOVEs to wear shoes. And they have to be mismatched. One white, one black. And they are both dress shoes. Thankfully for church she would wore both white ones without much of a fight. When I got them out of the box, they looked brand new, as Brooke hadn't worn them out, but they are so worn after only three weeks that I am going to have to buy her different dress shoes. Two weeks ago it was her
yellow rain boots. I am sure next week she will find something new. She also loves to wear her monkey shirts that grandma bout her and her doggy shirt. She doesn't go anywhere without her "
packpack" stuffed with her
baby doll and cell phone and doggy blanket. It is really cute! She is talking so well now. And this past week she started saying Yes very clearly so it makes her sound even more grown up. Before she would say
yeoh, and it was kind of hard to differentiate yes and no. She still loves her
sippy cup of rice milk, cuddling with mommy at nap time
and loves, loves, loves riding her bike with "
Boodtie" (
Brookie). She still loves to color and is into writing (or thinking she is writing) letters. She copies Brooke and will get out a paper and pen and start saying "
ut next, mom" meaning what letter is next mom, because that is what she hears
brooke say to me when she is practicing her letters. It is really cute.
Brooke is getting
sooo tall! She has found a new love for My littlest Pet shop. It is a great prize for the end of the week chart! It is fun to listen to her and Livy play with them. She loves preschool (except for Bruce who is constantly hitting her). She is trying to learn how to read and is picking up words amazingly well. (I say trying because she tells me she wants to read and then it is like going into battle when I try to teach her). She loves to be read to. She is still a very sensitive and kind little girl. She is starting to be very helpful around the house. I love that she loves to help her dad clean. (sometimes i wish she loved to help me clean, but I will take what I can get.) She is obsessed with riding her bike.
Every time we go outside to get in
the car, she has to ride her bike up and down the driveway a few times first. I love that she is so confident in it, she is constantly showing me new "tricks". She is a great big sister. She loves to help Livy and Jackson. Livy doesn't like the helping so much, but Jackson just
goos and
gahs when she is around. She runs into his room to tickle him whenever she hears me changing his diaper. She is really into wearing thick headbands with her hair straight down. And she always wants to be colorful. (Sometimes I will ask her to change her shirt or headband because it doesn't exactly go, and her response to me is, "But Mom, I want to be colorful today.") She still loves to color, draw and write letters.