Friday, September 10, 2010

Food Inc.

Can you say gross. Ben and I watched the first half of the movie Food, Inc. last night. WOW! I mean, i knew there were a lot of added chemicals and things in our food, but wowzers. Its no wonder we have so many health problems and ailments. I highly recommend watching it just for the information, but beware, it makes you really think about things that are in our food. Especially meat. As I laid there trying to fall asleep last night, i kept thinking i wanted to throw up. And i kept thinking about how much I wanted to change to make sure my children aren't affected by all the chemicals and hormones. If you want something to make you think, watch it! Our family has been trying to change our eating habits for the past 2 years, and it is a journey. A few steps forward, one step back. But watching this makes me want to be more committed to making changes that really are beneficial.
I'm a little nervous about what the next half of the movie will make me think about!
Watch it and let me know what you think.

Post edit: Ben and I just finished watching the rest of Food Inc. I loved it! I highly recommend it.


lindsay eyre said...

Hey Ash!

I wanted to let you know, we've made some changes since we got home too. Whole wheat everything. Farmer's market. No snack food at all! The kids are struggling a bit, but I feel so much better and so does Sam. We are going to keep going! And we tried your ceasar salad recipe the other day and it was fantastic. Definitely a regular.

You're the best! Any food tips you have, let us know

Angela said...

funny, we just watched Food Inc. the other night. It made me really scared to eat mass produced food - especially meat. we've been attempting to buy as much local food as possible - but this movie has made me much more motivated. it's scary to think the food you eat to stay alive could make you sick, or even kill you!

House of Tong said...

I've been trying to get Nolan to watch that with me!! No luck yet! It's appalling the lengths one would go through to make money and disregard health! Woot, Woot for Healthy Eating!! Craving your homemade Raw ice cream Ash!! YUM! xoxo, Tongs

Rudy said...

Jon and I watched it a year ago and I felt sick to my stomach as well. Hurray for grass fed beef, free range organic chickens and happy pigs!!