Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I haven't read a regular book in probably about a year because I would feel guilty that I should be working on my Thesis. And then when I finally started working on my Thesis I had no time. And after last night, i really remembered why i don't read very many books anymore. Because I have absolutely no self control. I cannot put a book down. When I am reading a book nothing gets done at home. As was true last night. The kids both went to bed pretty early and I talked to ben for a while (he is in Utah for a Sales Conference for the week) and then I went to bed. I told myself I would just read one chapter. I started the book Three Cups of Tea on Sunday evening at Elisha's when I was by myself for the evening....well, 1am I finally forced myself to put the book down. My kids actually slept really well last night, and I could have gotten 7 hours of uninterupted sleep, but instead I was hooked in the book again...I love to read, but sometimes it makes for a cranky mom the next day. It is a really good book though. But hopefully i will control myself tonight and only ready for 15 minutes, instead of 2 1/2 hours!!!

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